Thursday, August 2, 2018

Site Changes and Long Game

Just wanted to post a heads up - for anyone that's already checked out this blog site and the "static" pages:  This weekend I'm going to work on adding some actual content to the static pages.  At very least to the Key Eats page.  (yes, I'm providing more content after the click...)

I'm determined to make something legit with this blog - either evolve it, or possibly use it as a launching pad for something different (so consider this your heads up that I may make some design changes).  I'm still figuring a few things out.  But one things for sure: mentally, I want something better for myself career wise.

Anyway, Key Eats page...  I want to put up at least one full recipe - and I'm going to start simple.  It's going to be my amazing salad that I eat practically every night for dinner, which I'm going to dub The 15Ten Salad.  Why that name?  Why not??  Honestly, it's combination of  branding and it just sounds right to me. the time I get that all put together, I'll figure out a different "branding" name to go with - I won't lie....I'm hesitant to brand with "15Ten" due to the other 15ten out there...but again, there are different brands out there that share a similar catch-name, that offer different services.  We'll see how I feel this  Deal.

I'm also feeling the need to record my typical full workout session, and post that.  Either break it up in segment videos, or one full on video.  I think it would be wise to break it up into various videos, as that's kind of how I do my workout.  I do it all at once, but in chunks.  I do the bulk of my on the feet stretching, followed by some cross-fit bands or straight into planks, mixed with some yoga, followed by on the back stretches / yoga, and ending with  push up variations.  When I speak on this stuff, I tend to generalize it, because honestly, I don't know how to describe half of the stuff - so I think it would be easier to  video content. 😄

Here's a teaser for the salad:

Keep your head up, your tummy content, and keep on grindin'!

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