Wednesday, May 30, 2018

My Body Has Spoken....le-sigh

Full disclosure / "personal diary entry" for the sake of keeping track of things...  I tapped this morning, right from the get workout / exercise today.  Details after the click..

  • I didn't sleep well - so I woke up super tired (even hit the snooze button once)
  • My stomach was upset through out the night of trying to sleep - I blame the watermelon I had a bit of a spicy zing to it (thought it might have been coiencidence since I use the cutting board for peppers and what not - but I didn't cut peppers yesterday, and I'm pretty good at scrubbing that beast)
  • Spent the bulk of yesterday evening battling a headache...woke up around 1am and popped a couple ibuprofen in hopes that it would clear up by the time i got up (roughly 3-4 hours later) ... nope.
Bottom line:  I felt like utter crap this AM.  (update 30-60min later:  cup of coffee helped a bit with the tired aspect...still feel crappy)

This week is a prime example of what I had stated previously:  "I know I can do this and this and that, so I try to put in as much as I can.....albeit before my body is fully ready" .... I was truly trying to avoid this...

Now that I said that ^^^ ... I think things can be attributed a bit more to the amount of sun I got yesterday.  I drove around town with the front half of the top off  (of my Jeep).  My arms got some color, and I my face sort of did too.  Either way, I definitely didn't take in enough water to compensate for the amount of sun I took in on such a hot day. (that's the only thing I can think of to explain the headache)

However you flip it .... I'll probably still try do some basic stretching today - and will most likely make sure that I do my hand rehab stuff (the only time I don't do this, is on DDP Yoga days - hands get beat up and stretched out as it is, and possibly over the weekend - the weekend is debatable though).

On a different note: At some point today, when I take a break from a project I'm working on, I'm going to pull together the primary foods / supplements 1   that I'm currently eating/taking, and chart that up.  I was thinking that it would be useful information to get my doc at the annual visit, and also make for good information to post on here.  "Content, content content..."

To wrap up ..  Always listen to your body.  Am I treating my morning as an excuse to not workout?  No. Not even slightly.  To properly do DDP Yoga, you need to (well, should) incorporate Dynamic Resistance , which requires a lot of focus - at least for me.  When I'm tired, and hurting - like this morning, I'd barely be able to even go through the motions properly.  I'd be like a slug trying to do stiff forms, etc..  It just doesn't work and makes me feel even crappier.

Stay positive, stay motivated, and keep your grind on!

1 Supplements:  Multi Vitamin , Omega Complex , Ginseng , joint inflammation pills (for my wrists/thumbs) , and occasional protein powder into a shake type beverage ....stay tuned for a static page with this information.

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