I did roughly 20min, going from a fast walk, to slow/medium jog, and eventually down to chill walk for a cool-down. I managed to put in roughly 1.45mi, and definitely got my heart-rate up and built up quite the sweat. It felt good 😅 ....I have mixed feelings about doing it again on Thursday, but there are solid benefits, no doubt. I said I am going to do it, so I'm going to do it (doesn't mean I have to like it).
Now that I've been out of those sweaty gym clothes, and sitting in front of my computer watching YouTube, for the better part of the last 45min....I do believe that I need to get a good stretch in - I feel parts of my body (mostly my back) kinda getting tight...might just be the cooling down...but I don't like it. So, some minor stretching is definitely in order...shortly.
This past Sunday I went for what turned out to be just over 3mi walk - could have gone more...I need to do this more often; it makes for a good relaxation moment to listen to a podcast or audiobook, get fresh air, and get some exercise. Just for kicks and giggles I did a second weigh-in on Sunday, after the walk, and was down to 203 lbs on the nose.
I'm making a perfectly streamlined stride in my overall weight and health, in my humble opinion. It's not dramatic drops, and it's not crazy rollercoasters. Naturally there are times where the numbers go up before they drop back down. Am I phased by the rollercosters? Not one bit. Why not? Because I understand that's how the bumble bounces. Especially since I'm not 100% focusing on weight loss, but overall health. The workouts I'm incorporating are also going to build some muscle - even more so as time progresses and I start incorporating actual weights (machines and free-weights).
Anyone who has been exercising / working out, etc.. for the sake of being healthy, and bettering their lifestyle, will tell you the same thing:
- There are no long term shortcuts / quick fixes ... Quick fixes = short term
- Do not rely 100% on cardio - at the same time, physical exercise is better than no exercise
- Basically don't sit on your arse all the time (hard to do when a good portion of your 9 to 5 job consists of that - gotta make the time!)
- Eat healthy - real food, non processed.
- Do not rely on fad diets; can you maintain such a "fad diet" for the rest of your life? Then don't do it.
- Be smart about it; get your protein, get your carbs, etc.. etc.. There are things that *I* personally try to cut out, like sugar...but guess what? There's sugar of some form in almost everything , so it's a matter of picking your battles -- stay away from the refined shyte.
- ...so much more...just be smart.
- In the age of the internet - you can look things up and research various subjects (nutrition values, pros and cons of various exercise movements, etc..) ...
- With the good, as always, comes the bad... Do Not find that "one shiny" write up that agrees with what you want to hear . Always look for at minimum of 3 articles, preferably from reputable authors/sites; this should allow you to form an educated decision. After all, why do you think a lot of playoff games are 2 out of 3, or 5 out of 7? Because majority wins.
Okay, wrapping things up. I could easily keep going on bullet points, but I don't want to sound preachy for anyone who may actually take the time to read this. I just want to have it in writing, because the last time I was working out (2016) and losing weight, etc.. people kept asking me: "So what you doing to lose weight?" ..and when I tell them: "I eat right (no sugar, real food, veggies, very little pizza, no alcohol 1), and I exercise" - they look all depressed as if they're thinking: "oh. it's not a quick fix, and I have to work at it." Damn straight you have to work at it.
I won't lie, there is a bit of an ego / narcissistic side of this for me (I want to look better than I do - because no, I'm not happy with what I see in the mirror.....however, day by day, I am getting happier, and more confident....so don't get that comment twisted about ego/narcissism - I'm not going full douche-mode ... being where I've been physically and mentally, I like to think has allowed me to "see through the eyes" of someone who wants that quick fix, and loves pizza, and rum, and beer, and prefers to spend their free time doing something either fun or educational, and not physical ... at the same time - my sympathy level is pretty low for anyone that complains about things that they can fix simply by putting down the soda and pizza slice, and going for a walk every day or two, and not doing so - it's amazing what baby steps can do for ones life and morale).
Definitely gotta go get that stretching in, shower, and get to work on my Memorial Week Project - super daunting task that I want to complete by this weekend (or at least when I go back to work on Monday).
To those who are looking to start carving their own path to a better, healthier lifestyle: Keep your head up, stay positive, and get your grind on! You're not alone.
1 No Alcohol - This is a tough one for me, as I enjoy my rum, and often enjoy playing an online game with some friends while having a beer...or two. However, it's proven to assist in weight loss, and there are various benefits to kicking this out of your life / diet. Not saying some folks can't have "a glass" of something once in a great while and have very ill effect (just be smart about it). I'm not saying I have a "problem" with alcohol - matter of fact that's part of why I stopped; to prove to some people that I don't. (let me be honest/blunt: that was my favorite after work beverage: 1-2 glasses of sprite and rum ....eventually I kicked the soda out, and poured the equivalent of 3-5 shots into a glass of ice and sipped on that for a few hours). This is a personal choice, and a high suggestion by many, for a healthier lifestyle. Limit your drinking to minimum as you can go - maybe even ween yourself off of it. But your life will be better without it, I promise.
I won't lie, there is a bit of an ego / narcissistic side of this for me (I want to look better than I do - because no, I'm not happy with what I see in the mirror.....however, day by day, I am getting happier, and more confident....so don't get that comment twisted about ego/narcissism - I'm not going full douche-mode ... being where I've been physically and mentally, I like to think has allowed me to "see through the eyes" of someone who wants that quick fix, and loves pizza, and rum, and beer, and prefers to spend their free time doing something either fun or educational, and not physical ... at the same time - my sympathy level is pretty low for anyone that complains about things that they can fix simply by putting down the soda and pizza slice, and going for a walk every day or two, and not doing so - it's amazing what baby steps can do for ones life and morale).
Definitely gotta go get that stretching in, shower, and get to work on my Memorial Week Project - super daunting task that I want to complete by this weekend (or at least when I go back to work on Monday).
To those who are looking to start carving their own path to a better, healthier lifestyle: Keep your head up, stay positive, and get your grind on! You're not alone.

1 No Alcohol - This is a tough one for me, as I enjoy my rum, and often enjoy playing an online game with some friends while having a beer...or two. However, it's proven to assist in weight loss, and there are various benefits to kicking this out of your life / diet. Not saying some folks can't have "a glass" of something once in a great while and have very ill effect (just be smart about it). I'm not saying I have a "problem" with alcohol - matter of fact that's part of why I stopped; to prove to some people that I don't. (let me be honest/blunt: that was my favorite after work beverage: 1-2 glasses of sprite and rum ....eventually I kicked the soda out, and poured the equivalent of 3-5 shots into a glass of ice and sipped on that for a few hours). This is a personal choice, and a high suggestion by many, for a healthier lifestyle. Limit your drinking to minimum as you can go - maybe even ween yourself off of it. But your life will be better without it, I promise.
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