Sunday, May 27, 2018

Checking In - Steady Progress

It's the weekend after my first week returning to DDP Yoga.  Just to rehash what this week included for exercise (roughly) ...
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday :: DDP Yoga - "Energy" workout
  • Tuesday and Thursday :: Light stretching
What's my overall opinion of this?  
The DDP Yoga workouts left me feeling pretty good afterwards, despite the brutality that my hands felt that they went through (click here for why to see why I say that); however, that doesn't make up for the feeling of  "lesser than" ... I felt like I could and probably should, have done more.  This is the mentality that always got me in trouble when working out though.  I would always try to do too much, too soon, because "I know I can do more" .... weeeeelllll.......yes and no.

At one point in my life, I was able to do more.  My body was capable of handling the physical stress I was putting on it.  Now, I haven't been doing these workouts in a long time, so naturally I need to ease myself into things, tone/strengthen, and then gradually get into things.  This is what I have to keep reminding myself of.  ...that, and I want results now!  ...but I shouldn't think like that - that's a bad mentality.

So what's in store for this next week?  More DDP Yoga!  Like I've said previously, this stuff works; gotta trust in the system 1.
  • Monday ::  DDP Yoga - Energy
  • Tuesday :: Gym - Cardio - 1 to 2 miles on treadmill
  • Wednesday :: DDP Yoga - Fat Burner
  • Thursday :: Gym - Cardio - 1 to 2 miles on treadmill
  • Friday :: DDP Yoga - Energy
(still intermittent fasting - it's getting easier to do .... essentially I'm skipping breakfast, unless my body says "Yo!  Check yourself!  I need fuel now!" ...Why?  Because, it allows me to eat a normal size - to me - lunch and dinner; consisting of a bit more than salad.....I will also admit, that this may change down the road...I don't know...but I see it easily sticking around)

After this coming week?  I'm not sure yet.  I want to continue with the DDP Yoga, but I want to start doing some actual weight workouts at the Gym.  Why?  Because ultimately, it would be nice to do more than simply tone and lean up.  Plus, it will help with the fat loss. I've learned a lot about various workout routines over the years, and the benefits of them.  Also, I don't want to get a lull and be bored, etc..  I want to find that happy spot and excel with it.  I want (and completely intend on) incorporating DDP Yoga , and Brix Fitness, into my life - on a very long term level.  One things at a time though.

If you're reading this (woohoo!), then there is most likely a reason - such as wanting to know what I've been doing so that you can benefit from my experience.  With that said, keep your grind up, stay positive, and put in work.  Ultimately, there are no quick fixes; if there were, everyone would be doing it.  You get out what you put in.

(Click the DDP Yoga logo to visit the site and learn more)

(Click the Brix Fitness logo to visit the site and learn more)

1 By The System, I mean workout routine, eating habits, lifestyle change

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